How we work

Our job is to help you achieve real progress. This requires a strategy and approach which go beyond the limits of conventional lessons or teaching

As a result, the way we work with you will be very different from traditional approaches.

We prefer a more organized and pro-active approach which really gets to work on the job of upgrading your English ability whilst also achieving, the equally important goal, of showing you how to practically learn English.

The key features of our general coaching process are:

The content and format of our coaching process is a carefully-structured combination of personal coaching sessions supplemented with additional training, support, feedback and information delivered through a variety of formats including video, audio, PDF documents and e-mails. You will be assigned your own personal coach who will take you through the process step-by-step. The intensity of your arrangement will depend on the option you choose. We offer lighter, more ‘training-based’ services which require less work between sessions and we also offer more intensive ‘full-on’ services for people that have more urgency to advance.
The majority of our arrangements include a set number of online coaching sessions. These sessions (mainly online but we also offer physical face-to-face coaching) form the structural foundation of our process. They are ‘meeting points’ around which the process is coordinated. However, it is very important to understand that our approach is not limited to the sessions. We also work on your English with you between sessions.
For the majority of our services you will receive an After-Session Report (ASR’s) after our main coaching sessions. The content of the reports depends on what type of session you did (we have different types of sessions that work on different skills; we will send you information about our range of sessions) but, for our main sessions we send a very detailed report. It will outline areas in need of improvement and what you need to do before next session. These ASRs also contain upgraded language, very personalized feedback (in typed-report and audio form) and a large range of self-study material, activities and instructional documents to be used during and between sessions.
The coaching process does not just take place in sessions. It is very important to understand that. For most services, we work together between sessions. In fact, it is between sessions when a lot of the real work is done. Your coach will be in regular contact with you. They will provide additional feedback, instruction and support and work with you on a wide variety of technical assignments and advancement material.
Between sessions you will be set a variety of material to effectively advance a wide range of key skills. Our material is insightful, stimulating and customized to prepare you for the real demands you face in your real life English speaking contexts. The amount of material you are set will depend on the arrangement you choose. We offer options that vary in intensity; from lighter arrangements to more intensive services.
Throughout your whole arrangement you will receive feedback and support regularly in the form of e-mails, videos, audio messages and personalized documents.