Are you looking for a different type of service which can genuinely push your English to a more advanced level of fluency?

We can help you because we specialize in genuine advancement (i.e. not just maintenance or minor improvement). We are not ‘guessing’ our way to your improvement. We know exactly how to get results. Our service is for ambitious learners, with a real need or desire to communicate in English, in both spoken and written form, at a truly advanced level of proficiency i.e. not just fluently but impressively. 


Very effective; even after just one month, I have noticed a definitive shift in my ability.
Ms. Elena Volodina
Project Manager, Barclay's Bank, London, UK
Finally! I now feel my English has genuinely started to improve!
Dr. Yuu Kimata
Geneticist, University of Cambridge, UK
A very pragmatic and effective, results-based methodology!
Mr. Xavier Farres
Consultant, Miebach Consulting
They commit professionally but also personally and genuinely wanted results as much as I did!
Ms. Mariana Leal
Project Manager, Surrey County Council, UK
I strongly recommend this service to anybody wishing to speak English at an advanced level!
Dr. Bayou Wang
International Service Manager, Janet UK
Extremely impressive! My managers noticed my progress!
Ms. Myriam Allamel
Key Account manager, Philips UK, London
I am now able to communicate my ideas more smoothly and efficiently!
Ms. Mariko Nakata
Commercial Manager, Japanese Trading Company, UK
Very, very well-organized and practically effective service which provides 'real' results!
Mr. Enzo Pescara
Teacher trainer, Universidad Católica, Chile
Clear, common-sense strategy which effectively 'upgraded' my English!
Ms. Roxana Guiu
Consultant, AT Kearney, UK
Perfect for ‘busy’ professionals that really need to push their English to the next level!
Ms. Laura Serra
Digital Marketing Specialist, CloudRecover, Australia
Our exceptionally attentive, high-end service is for:

Ambitious and Driven Learners

Individuals that enjoy learning and really want to experience the benefit of communicating at a more advanced level.

Intermediate to Advanced speakers

'Already quite advanced' speakers, stuck at their current level and unsure how to progress

Professionals, Managers and Executives

Professionals needing to dominate English to optimize their efficiency in global business contexts

Forward-thinking, open-minded individuals

People looking for a more practical, effective and 'believable' alternative to limited, conventional approaches.

Entrepreneurs, Coaches & 'Creatives'

People with ideas and visions to express; that want to influence and inspire in English

Find out how we can help you.

(without making any commitment!)

We recommend one or all of the following simple steps:

Find out more

Spend 5-10 minutes browsing pages on our site (in exact order listed) for a general idea of:

a. ‘Who we are’ and ‘what we do’
b. Main services, options & prices

For more detailed, printable information, download the following PDF:

Download an info pack

Ask us a question

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Arrange face-to-face chat

We offer FREE 10-15 min. face-to-face online consultations. Contact us and we’ll set that up. During the consultation, we can provide you with our opinion on your English proficiency.

We can also provide you with details of best options/prices for your specific English ‘situation’.

Arrange Now

We offer online and face-to-face instruction to individuals, groups and companies.

We specialize in helping ambitious professionals with a real need for results i.e. those using English regularly within their life/work contexts. We currently coach/have coached groups and individuals from the following globally-recognized companies and organizations:

Sony, AT Kearney, Miebach Consulting, Mitsui, Toshiba, BMW, Philips, Nikkei, Fujitsu, Cambridge University and Barclay’s Bank

However, our client-base is varied. We also work with many entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches and ‘creative’ people. People with ‘different’ ideas and visions to express that need to influence or inspire in English.

Nevertheless, our service is not really aimed at any particular profession.

Ultimately, we are interested in working with absolutely anyone who is prepared to take responsibility for their progress, get actively involved in the process and who has a real passion to improve.

How we help

We can help you in the following five ways:

1. Upgrade your technical ability 2. Inform you how to practically learn English 3. Manage and organize your advancement regime 4. Take you inside the culture and psychology of English Speakers 5. Keep you motivated and on track

We are not just another English language learning service. If you are serious about reaching a more advanced level and prepared to match our enthusiasm; then we can help you.

We commit 100% to your advancement

Our mentality is different. We commit 100%. We are not interested in maintenance or minor improvement. We specialize in advancement i.e. real measurable results and quantifiable progress.

We have spent over 16 years developing a results-focused, believable and logically-structured ‘plan’ based on common-sense, practical action and hard work, which goes way beyond the limits of conventional methodology to help you achieve real progress.

Our service is based on what we, as language learners, would want to experience; a results-based approach implemented by experienced professionals that genuinely works.

If you are feeling stuck or frustrated at your current level, unsure how to progress and no longer believe in conventional methodology which seems to make little or no difference, then we believe we are the service for you.


But don’t just take our word for it!

Finally! I now feel my English has started to genuinely improve!

‘Highly recommended indeed! I come from Japan but live and work in the UK. My job demanded a much better level of English but, even after 9 years in the UK I struggled to express myself clearly; in both work and social situations…this truly committed and passionate organization helped me break through my barriers… Finally! I now feel my English has started to genuinely improve’

Dr. Yuu Kimata,
Geneticist, University of Cambridge, UK

I have noticed quite a shift in my ability; even within the first month.

‘They have a very carefully-structured, effective plan. I have noticed quite a shift in my ability; even within the first month. My inability to express details effectively was affecting my confidence at work but, I can now express myself in a clearer and more structural manner. In fact, in recent meetings colleagues complemented me on how well I explained and navigated through different points’

Ms. Elena Volodina,
Project Manager, Barclay’s Bank, London, UK

Communication is now easier and more enjoyable!

‘The dedication of my coach to my English was extremely impressive! This service and their plan and approach is totally different from ‘normal’ classes or ‘teaching’. I felt supported and guided every step of the way. My managers noticed my progress. As I gained in self-confidence with my English, I felt more relaxed in my relationships with colleagues and communication is now easier and more enjoyable’

Ms. Myriam Allamel,
Key account manager, Philips, UK

They commit professionally but also personally!

‘There are many things which differentiate my coach Kevin, from other instructors. But, first and foremost, would be the intensity and sincerity of his commitment to my English. This was not purely a commercial relationship. He did not count or measure his effort and support. He committed professionally, but also personally, and genuinely wanted results as much as I did’

Ms. Mariana Leal,
Project Manager, Surrey County Council, UK

For anyone wishing to speak at an advanced level!

‘I found this online coaching program to be very effective. Strongly recommended to anyone wishing to speak at an advanced level. The feedback  & reports my coach sent after each session were great! I could see where improvement was necessary and how to advance my English in these areas. My coach worked as hard as I did on my English not only during each session but also between sessions’

Dr. Baoyu Wang,
International Service Manager, Janet UK

Very, very well-organized and practically effective !

‘I teach students in the process of becoming English teachers. I consider myself advanced but, my limits become apparent when explaining tricky little details or big, complex ideas. I doubted I could find a service to help as once you are quite advanced it can be hard to improve further. But, was totally ‘blown away’ by this service! Very, very well-organized and practically effective service which provides real results’

Mr. Enzo Pescara,
Teacher trainer, University of Chile, Chile

Best instructor I have ever worked with!

‘I have tried many services but Kevin, my coach, is the best instructor I have ever had. He helped me pass my IELTS exam with a great mark (and only two weeks preparation!). His dedication is 100%.  He takes on each case personally and he knows exactly how to help you improve. I could do my sessions before work in the morning; so perfect for ‘busy’ professionals that really need to push their English to next level’

Ms. Laura Serra,
Digital marketing specialist, CloudRecover, Australia

Now able to communicate more smoothly and efficiently!

‘One of the main benefits of this coaching service is that they show you ‘how’ to learn. I do not really know of any service that does this. But, I now know how to advance by myself here in London. So, English Language Coaching opened that door for me. They showed me how to immerse myself in the culture and convert my day-to-day situations into opportunities for learning’

Ms. Mariko Nakata,
Commercial Manager, Japanese trading company, UK

Arrange a 'Trial Session' and experience our service!

After your FREE consultation, we suggest starting off with a:

75 minute Trial Session + After-Session Report = £50*

(*Note: Trial session + Report = £85. But, contact us within 24hrs of your consultation to book a Trial Session and get £35 discount).

The ‘Trial Session’ allows you to experience working with us, without major commitment. Afterwards, we send you full-details of the options and prices which best suit your needs and budget. You will also receive a detailed ‘After-Session Report’ (ASR), within 4 days of your ‘Trial Session’, which includes:


During the trial session, we take you through training activities which test key aspects of your English proficiency. The English you produce is recorded and then, analyzed to provide a report (in PDF format) on the quality of your language and delivery, drawing to your attention your top priorities to advance and the 'less obvious' details which need fixing.

We send you a range of MP3 audios containing feedback on key areas of your English proficiency. We not only commnt on your language priorities but, also how we see your mentality, learner attitude and circumstances, how these factors could affect your chances of advancement and any changes you might personally need to make to advance.

We will provide you with a general outline of our plan for your advancement (in both PDF and MP3 audio format). You will also receive full-details (in PDF format) of our Trial Program (the next step we suggest to nearly all new clients) and the services/options which best suit your schedule, needs and budget, should we proceed further.

To Reassure You


Book next stage and Trial Session is free
Contact us within 48 hrs of receiving your ASR (After-Session Report) to book next stage and we discount full Trial Session fee (i.e. £85) from the next stage.


Money-back guarantee
If you are not 100% satisfied with ‘Trial Session’ we will give you a full-refund if you contact us within 24 hours of receiving your ‘After-Session Report’.

Your English is our project. We are ready to help you push towards your true potential...

Are You?